Advanced Hormone Testing
Why Advanced HormoneTesting?
Often, blood tests for hormones aren’t able to give us the whole picture. The DUTCH test is a type of advanced hormone testing that goes above and beyond other hormone tests in providing details for understanding the complex pathways of hormones in your body.
Besides the sex hormones and their metabolites, the DUTCH test also measures many biomarkers, such as adrenal and stress tolerance, sleep hormones, brain neurotransmitters, gut dysbiosis, vitamin deficiencies, protection against toxins and DNA damage.
Who should consider this test?
If you have symptoms that you suspect are related to hormonal imbalances in the body, the DUTCH test is a great way to understand the root cause of the problem.
Common signs of Hormone Imbalance include:
Menstrual irregularities
Fertility concerns
Low sex drive
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Acne or excess body hair
Scalp hair loss
Peri-menopausal symptoms
Menopausal symptoms
Chronic pelvic pain
Breast tenderness and PMS
Fatigue and burnout
Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
Migraines and headaches
The Complete DUTCH test can tell you about:
Imbalances in your sex hormones (DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc.) and if they are detoxifying properly in the liver
Levels of toxic forms of estrogen products in your body
Your stress response (cortisol measured 4 times throughout the day)
Sleep hormone imbalance (melatonin)
Important neurotransmitter levels (dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine)
Vitamin deficiencies and/or compromised ability to use vitamins (vitamin B6, vitamin B12)
Marker for gut dysbiosis - bad bacteria overgrowing in the gut
Your ability to protect your cells from toxins and DNA damage (glutathione)
An indication of DNA damage via oxidative stress (using a chemical biomarker)
How do I access this test?
If this is your first time seeing Dr. Aisha, please book a 15-min complimentary Discovery Call to discuss whether this test is indicated for you.
The DUTCH Kit will be shipped to your home (takes about 1-2 business days)
Urine sample collection is "virtual", as it is done in your home by dipping a blotting strip into urine collected in a clean container, 4 times throughout a 16-hour period. You will collect at dinner, before bed, first thing in the morning and 2 hours after waking. You will need to limit your caffeine, alcohol and water intake during this time.
Results take about 2 weeks and will be discussed in detail with Dr. Aisha, along with a personalized treatment plan based on the results.